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Montgomery Travelers Soccer Club

Montgomery Travelers Soccer Club

Travel Registration



Governor Christie passed a Law on Sports Concussion Injury Prevention and Management back in December 2010.  If you have coached (or are coaching or know of someone currently coaching) HS Soccer you may have been informed about this and your Board Of Education (BOE) may have required you to take either the National Federation of High Schools Sports Concussion On-Line Training Program OR the Centers for Disease Control On-Line Training Program (see below).
Regardless, this law will also begin to impact all Youth Soccer Programs run through NJYS that apply to rent out/use HS or Public Parks and Recreation Fields -- besides turning in a Certificate of Insurance, School/Parks and Recs will require at some point start to require proof that all coaches using these complexes show proof of training in Sports Concussions.  
Bottom line YOU MUST take the On Line Course -- NJYS will require coaches submit proof of having taken this course.    If you took this course in the past, you are all set.  All new coaches must take this course and send us the certificate before doing any coaching.
Get prepared now-- if you want to coach!   
Here are the links to obtain said training--it’s simple and FREE!

or the National Federation of High Schools On line Sports Concussion Training

How to create your NJYS team packet

  • Each Team Manager Must Collect the following Documents from EACH PLAYER on your team, in order to generate the necessary paperwork by end of JULY, 2016:

    1.  Copy of Birth Certificate/Passport, as proof of age.  Please note that for RETURNING players, who have their expired player cards from 2015-16, they can submit the actual physical card instead of the birth certificate/passport.  Please also not, if your birth certificate/passport is in a language other than English you MUST also have a notarized letter of translation with the translated document.  There are NO exceptions to this rule.

    2. NJ Youth Soccer Medical Release Form. must have the same FULL name of the child that appears on the birth certificate/passport.   Do NOT leave any blank spaces.  If something doesn't apply write "n/a."  Blank spaces will lead to returned forms.  Please note that for RETURNING players, who have their expired cards from 2015-16, they can submit the actual physical card instead of this Medical Release Form. Link to NJ Youth Soccer Medical Release Form is NJ Youth Soccer Medical Release Form

    3. SAGE (Set a Good Example) Pledge Form, signed in FULL name, as the name appears on the birth certificate/passport for BOTH parents and player.  If there are not 3 signatures then it will be sent back. Please make sure that all the signatures are the same (paperwork in the past have been sent back if the signatures looked like it was being signed by one person).  This is required each year, even if you have submitted the form in the past.  Link to SAGE form is SAGE Pledge Form

    4. Electronic copy of a headshot of the player, sent to you in the following format: "PHOTO.FirstName.LastName.2016.jpg"  Please NO Hats, No sunglasses, think "passport photo" when you take the photo.  This must be emailed to you, so that it can be forwarded to the Registrar.

    ONCE THESE ITEMS ARE COLLECTED DURING THE FIRST WEEK OF AUGUST 2016, THE FOLLOWING PACKETS MUST BE CREATED BY EACH TEAM MANAGER in the following order, each bullet point being its own "pile" by type of form, placed together by paperclip:

  • 3 copies of the Official Roster (which will be generated by the Registrar the first week of August when GotSoccer goes live.  This form will be send to each Team Manager by email)
  • 1 set of Passes with Digital Photo attached (Do not separate any passes, keep it in the sheet format.  Submit intact card stock provided by MNJYSA with player/coach info printed on front and player/coach photo printed on back.  Passes will not be stamped/signed if passes are separated.) This too will be generated by the Registrar and ready at the same time as the Official Roster.  Because these player cards are on card stock, the Registrar will make arrangements for you to come pick this up from her ASAP once it's been generated.  So keep an eye out for the email.
  • 1 set Player Membership Forms (in the order that they appear on the Official Roster).  These forms will also be generated in the first week of August by the Registrar, but you will need to make arrangements to get the signatures from EACH PLAYER's FULL Name and PARENT in Ink before it can be submitted.  Name must match what's on the birth certificate/passport)
  • 1 set of birth certificates/passports, in Official Roster order.  Please keep in mind that for RETURNING players with expired passes from the previous year, you can submit the actual card, instead of birth certificate/passport copy and no need for medical release forms for returning players who are submitting their expired player card.  
  • 1 set of NJYS Medical Release Forms in Official Roster order (no need for returning players who are submitting their expired player card.)
  • 1 set of SAGE pledge forms for all Players (even returning players who have expired player cards from last year) including SAGE forms.
  • 1 set of all Non-Voluneeter and volunteer Coaches' documents, collated by form, as the coaches'  names appear on the Official Roster.  This packet/pile should include the following items in this order by FORM:

  *FOR our Non Volunteer Coaches from DTS, a copy of the front and back of his Coach's Pass that was issued by NJYS.  
FOR our Volunteer parent coaches (Please collate by form as the coaches appear on Official Roster):
1) Coaches' Membership Form (which will be provided by our Registrar by August 10th),
2) SAGE form for Coaches Coach's SAGE Pledge,
3)  coaches' F (or higher) licenses.  
****For Volunteer Coaches there is a Concussion Form (link to CDC online course & form)and a KidsSafe form (link to KidsSafe form)  that each volunteer coach must complete online and get a copy of it to our secretary for safe keeping.  These 2 forms are not submitted as part of the Player Cards application at this time.*****.

***Please arrange each "pile" by type of form,  paper clipped together by type of form.  Do not use staples, it will be sent back.  Then have a separate "pile" for the coaches form in the order listed above, grouped by form within the coaches documents, as listed above.***

Please contact the club president with any questions at [email protected]

MTSC Board


Montgomery Travelers Soccer Club
PO Box 243 
Belle Mead, New Jersey 08502

Phone: 908-845-4625
Email: [email protected]

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